Words Can’t Describe……….. A Big Thank You to You All.


Thank you glorialana for nominating my blog for these awards, Words can’t describe how happy I am that even after a month of not been active on here, You all still have the time to remember me in your thought by passing on awards to my blog. Please do check out glorialana blog out for some exciting & soul enriching post. I got nominated for……



The rules of Awards:

1. Display the logo on a post – done

2. Thank the person who nominated you and link to his/her site – done.

3. Nominate a bloggers and inform them via comment in their blog – done.

The Trio of Awards goes to:

  1. MichelleMarie Antell
  2. Global Lipstick
  3. The Posh Blog
  4. elkeeb
  5. mandasiefert39
  6. marilovesgr33n
  7. Fashion and love by Mihaela
  8. dstonedesigns
  9. FreeUrCloset
  10. marijadebono
  11. The Fashion Huntress
  12. Amria
  13. glorialana
  14. shareasecret
  15. mirandatcs
  16. Oyin
  17. melanie jean juneau
  18. paulinemarina
  19. Miss Ayo Délé
  20. Jocellyn

Am thankful for all of my wonderful readers, you all are my inspiration….. xoxo 🙂 And have a lovely day. K-A

And you can follow me on http://pinterest.com/Obsessed10/boards/

14 thoughts on “Words Can’t Describe……….. A Big Thank You to You All.

    1. didn’t realize i was nominated at first- i always look for all.things.lady not my name hahaha! i guess i got used to it more than my name 😀 thank you so much dear.


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